A merciful God always provide His fallen creation with stars to guide them to Him. He knows human beings are blinded with their selfishness and pride. Without stars leading us through the dark and dangerous alleys of our inner self, we can never respond to God's calling. As I reflect back upon the past year, I want to thank all those people who came into my life to lead me to God, the source of true knowledge and eternal happiness.
Evangelization is our opportunity to become a star. It might not always make you a star in your household, in your circle of friends, or in your society. That is because, as a star you are responsible to lead the journey - a difficult journey filled with frustrations and disappointments; grace interrupts. You can't expect everybody to join than journey. But the Good News is that those who dare to make the trip are on a path to a life changing experience. As a star, you are never expected to be perfect - you are not pointing others to follow you, instead you are pointing them to follow Christ.
May I suggest you pass along the Knowledge by simply sharing what you read with others. What's written here might not be of any significance to you, but there could be somebody out there in your family and among your friends who is seeking the difficult questions of life. Today you could be a star in their life by illuminating their lowly place and helping them by pointing the way to the destination. (To make things easy, I have added a Facebook and Twitter share button at the bottom of every article. There is also an email link if you wish share the article as an email attachment. You can also share by liking the links from my Facebook posts.)
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