In 1973, the US Supreme Court legalized abortions through a landmark decision in Roe vs Wade. Since then the record keepers tell us that we as a country has killed more than 55 million babies in their mother's womb - a place supposed to be the safest place anywhere for the most defenseless among the human beings. It is estimated that on an average 4,383 abortions are performed daily, that is 182 per hour, 3 per minute, or 1 every 20 seconds!
According to the Guttmacher Institute, the top three reasons for an abortion is as follows:
1. 75% of the women (and family) say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities.
2. The second reason for abortion is their inability to afford a child.
3. Unwillingness to raise a child as a single parent.
According to National Abortion Federation, only 12% of the women who undergo an abortion is due to a physical problem involving their health. They also report that 1% of the aborting women reported to be survivors of rape.
It is amazing how people with the pro-choice mentality thinks. Some would say that they are not against abortion as long as it is done during the first trimester; some would even go though the entirety of the second trimester; very few are in favor of abortions during the last trimester. A fetus's survival away from its mother's womb is often used as the guideline to reach such conclusions. And I agree, with my limited medical knowledge, that an infant in its first trimester would not survive away from its mothers womb. It might wriggle for a few seconds gasping for oxygen and might die. But isn't that few seconds more than enough to prove that it was alive? What is the difference in life between a premature baby that die as soon as it get separated from its mother's womb and a human being dying after living healthily for 95 years? What is the basis for our reasoning of when life actually begins?
When I started writing this article this morning, I was angry. I wanted to go on a tirade on all those who mourn the death of those innocent little children in Sandy Hook Elementary, but look the other way when it comes to millions of unborn whose body parts are littered all over the landfills of America. I wanted to write about the hypocrisy of us who are outraged about the attack on the innocent while they were at the safety of the classroom, while doing nothing about the attacks on the unborn while they are in the safety of their mother's womb. But I am clam now. For once, it is impossible to write about abortion through the eyes of the school massacre without subtly justifying the actions of the shooter. I don't want to do that, that was never my intention. But more importantly, I don't think I have earned the right to bark up against the people who are not concerned about issues such as abortion - people who would never participate in abortion, but could care less about the rest of the world's doings. I rode that boat for a very long time, I understand the mindset of those in that boat perfectly. So I must stop now and get down on my knees to ask in prayer to the Holy Spirit: "O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love, come to teach us the path of knowledge".
The media and the politicians are debating issues such as gun control, video games, and mental illness in light of the tragedy in Newtown, CT. But the unfortunate truth is that there is deep rooted violence within our societies that go beyond things like guns, video games and drugs. There is a kind of violence that is beyond the grasp of the earthly realm. This type of violence is within us, it is a part of us, and it is a time bomb ticking away in anticipation of its time to explode. We have allowed the violent death (as oppose to the natural death) to find place in our soul by failing to respect and protect the lives of the defenseless in our society: the unborn and the aged. Put God aside and look at the history of humanity - every major civilization that existed began their descent when they stopped caring for the weak and defenseless among them. There will be plenty of blood spilling all over our society - a culture where only the dead are entitled to peace.
" Certainly children are a gift from the LORD,
the fruit of the womb, a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them.
He will never be shamed
for he will destroy his foes at the gate" (Psalm 127:3-5)
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